Thursday, August 25, 2016


Description: the state or condition of being infected with perfectionism.

Symptoms: persistent attempts to achieve the u achievable, holding oneself up to unrealistic standards, bullying oneself resulting in emotional pain, shame and blame.

Prognosis: potentially fatal if left untreated. Even mild cases can suck the joy out of life. No known cure but ongoing treatment prevents relapse.

Treatment: daring to be mediocre. Staring the Not Good Enough beast in the face. Facing the Big Empty and saying "Ha! I'm not afraid of you." Risking vulnerability.

Causes: appears to have both familial and environmental factors.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Little Quiets plus haiku

Little Quiets

loud world -
big, brash, bellowing.
Abrasive, angry, agitating.
Enough already.
Need little quiets
to comfort,
provide refuge
from the bloated bluster.
loud world
while I listen to
little quiets.

Dipping and diving,
anointing in the birdbath,
the blessing of birds.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Emotional Braille

the words are
flat on the page
how will I
feel them?
No ridges, texture
or contours-
no guidance.
Need edges, form
and dimension
rising from the page-
emotional Braille
to run my mind over
and find my way
